Gregory Jones-Katz

Postdoctoral Fellow
Aufenthalt am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: September 2023–August 2024 Forschungsthema am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Empire of American Theory and the Triumph of Neoliberalism 1965–2008« Projektbeschreibung: One of the historical problems I am currently seeing is: how and why did an attention to difference and otherness become central to a transnational and increasingly powerful professional-managerial class? To answer this question, my current book project, Empire of American Theory and the Triumph of Neoliberalism 1965–2008, aims to historicize what I call »American Theory« in relation to neglected political and cultural contexts and hitherto unexamined sites, organs, and avenues. American Theory was a specific cultural-political movement united by an intellectual attention to difference, discontinuity, marginality, and otherness—all key to shaping democratic values and projects across the North Atlantic—that began in United States higher education and then took on international dimensions. As a Democratic Vistas postdoc fellow, I will research and write a chapter of Empire devoted to the gender dimension and other diversity aspects of American Theory, contributing to the understanding of the relationship between the (American) university and its furthering of democratic forms of life across the North Atlantic during the 1980s and 1990s. Another topic to be investigated in a projected subchapter is the historical phenomenon of and around gender theory in France. There, theories from America, a global force in higher education, have often been at the heart of polemics and legal decisions about gender. Finally, while at Democratic Vistas, I hope to research and write a subchapter on how in Germany, American theories have been at the heart of high profile and charged debates about race, gender, multiculturalism, cultural appropriation, and postcolonial theory. Generally, my research as a Democratic Vistas postdoc fellow will aim to give a much-needed historical understanding of how and why »gender« and other »diversity aspects« became not simply objects of study through and with American theoretical cognitive goods, but also political and cultural flashpoints across the North Atlantic, facilitating the formation of the university as a theater for culture war conflicts. (Gregory Jones-Katz) Zusammenarbeit: Gregory Jones-Katz ist auf Einladung des Forschungsschwerpunktes »Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Atlantic World« Fellow am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften.
Wissenschaftliches Profil von Gregory Jones-Katz Gregory Jones-Katz' Forschung bewegt sich an den Schnittstellen zwischen Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte, Institutionsgeschichte, der Geschichte der Hochschulbildung und der Geisteswissenschaften sowie der Geschichte des Kapitalismus. Jones-Katz promovierte 2016 in amerikanischer Geschichte an der University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2016–2022 lehrte an der Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-SZ). Im April 2022 ging Jones-Katz als International Fellow an das Kulturwissenschaftliche Institut (KWI) in Essen. 2022/23 lehrte er an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, und er war Mitarbeiter im ERC-Forschungsprojekt »The Arts of Autonomy«, das von Professor Pierre-Héli Monot an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität geleitet wird. Jones-Katz‘ erstes Buch Deconstruction: An American Institution wurde 2021 von der University of Chicago Press 2021 veröffentlicht.
Weitere Informationen zu Gregory Jones-Katz finden Sie hier. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Amerikanische Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte, Geschichte der Hochschulbildung, Geschichte der Geisteswissenchaften Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl): - »Immediacy Ruined Our Politics«, Rezension zu: Kornbluh, Anna, »Immediacy, or the Style of too Late Capitalism«. (2024), S. 240 ff. Der Artikel ist hier zu finden.
- »Bildungskapitalismus in China«, übersetzt von. Christian Demand und Ekkehard Knörer, in:
Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken (im Erscheinen, Dezember 2023)
- »The Euphoria of Theory«, in: the minnesota review: a journal of creative and critical writing (erscheint 2023).
- »Challenging Humanism: Jews, Theory, and Yale During the Last Three Decades of the Twentieth Century«, in: Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture, Society Bd. 27:3 (2022), S. 189-222.
- 2022 »Theorizing and Practicing History as the Metabolization of the World: A Conversation
with Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht«, in: History and Theory Bd. 61:1 (2022), S. 124-139.
- Deconstruction: An American Institution, University of Chicago Press 2021.
- » ›The Brides of Deconstruction and Criticism‹ and the Transformation of Feminism in the North American Academy«, in: Modern Intellectual History Bd. 17:2 (2020), S. 413-442.