Philipp Niewöhner

Associate Professor for Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art History, Göttingen University
Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: June–August 2018 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Die Christianisierung Kleinasiens. Aspekte der materiellen Kultur: Kreuze, Heiligenbilder und Ikonoklasmus«/»Antikes Christentum in Bad Homburg: die Erlöserkirche und ihre Ausstattung im byzant. Stil« Research partner: Philipp Niewöhner follows the invitation of Hartmut Leppin (Professor of Ancient History at Goethe University) and the History Programme of the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften. His visit is part of the programme's key subject in 2018: »Christianizations in Late Antiyuity«. Scholarly profile of Philipp Niewöhner Philipp Niewöhner obtained his doctorate in Mainz with a dissertation on the history of architecture and settlements of Anatolia in late antiquity and his habilitation in Göttingen. He was an advisor for Byzantine archaeology and the excavation director for Milet at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Istanbul and Berlin, fellow in Dumbarton Oaks (Washington, DC), William Golding Fellow at Brasenose College in Oxford and he has taught in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Göttingen, Oxford and Skopje. Following his stay in Bad Homburg he will be teaching in Mainz from winter semester 2018 on. To find more information about his academic career as well as an overview of his publications, please refer to the following websites:
Göttingen University
Independent academia
Main areas of research: Byzantine archeology and art history, Constantinople, Asia Minor and the Balkans, architectural history, settlement history and imagery. Selected publications: - »Healing Springs of Anatolia: St Michael and the Problem of the Pagan Legacy«, in: Life is Short, Art Long. The Art of Healing in Byzantium, ed. B. Pitarakis and G. Tanman, Istanbul: 2018, p. 97-124.
- (Ed.) The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia. From the End of Late Antiquity to the Coming of the Turks, New York: Oxford University Press 2017.
- »Die byzantinischen Basiliken von Milet«, in Milet, 1/11, Berlin: DeGruyter 2016.
- (with N. Teteriatnikov) »The South Vestibule of St Sophia at Istanbul: the Ornamental Mosaics and the Private Door of the Patriarchate«, in: Dumbarton Oaks Papers 68, 2014 (2015), p. 117-156.
- »Historisch-topographische Überlegungen zum Trierer Prozessionselfenbein, dem Christusbild an der Chalke, Kaiserin Irenes Triumph im Bilderstreit und der Euphemiakirche am Hippodrom«, in: Millennium 11 (2014), p. 261-288.
- »Bronze Age Hüyüks, Iron Age Hill Top Forts, Roman Poleis, and Byzantine Pilgrimage in Germia and Its Vicinity. ‘Connectivity’ and a Lack of ‘Definite Places’ on the Central Anatolian High Plateau«, in: Anatolian Studies 63 (2013), p. 97-136 (contributions by G. Dikilitaş, E. Erkul, S. Giese, J. Gorecki, W. Prochaska, D. Sarı, H. Stümpel, A. Vardar, A. Waldner, A. V. Walser and H. Woith).
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