December 2012
18 December 2012 17:00 |
Gerd Geisslinger, Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz, Stefan Walter
City of Bad Homburg rnFrankfurt University rnWirschaftsinitiative FrankfurtRheinMain e.V. |
14 December 2012 09:00 |
Anna Starzinski-Powitz
Frankfurt University |
7 December 2012 |
Julika Griem, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Peter Strohschneider
Goethe University |
6 December 2012 11:30 |
Juan Espindola
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
November 2012
30 November 2012 |
Susanne Pelster
Closed door meeting
Goethe University, Department of Law |
30 November-February 12.2012 |
Dieter Steinhilber
Closed door meeting
Goethe University, Institute for pharmaceutical chemistry |
29 November 2012 11:30 |
Josef Früchtl
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
23 November 2012 09:00 |
Gabriel Wittum
Closed door meeting
Goethe University, Department of Informatics |
22 November 2012 09:00 |
Magistrat der Stadt Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe |
21 November 2012 19:00 |
Reinhard Schmidt (House of Finance, Frankfurt University)
Public Lecture
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
17 November 2012 09:00 |
Daniela Becker
Hertie-Stiftung |
15 November 2012 16:00 |
Susanne Schulz-Hector
Cermonial Act
Frankfurt University rnElse Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung |
12 November 2012 19:30 |
Thomas Leiser, Christoph von Marschall
Public panel discussion
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung und Karl-Hermann-Flach-Stiftung in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
9-10 November 2012 |
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Goethte University |
1 November 2012 11:30 |
Christian Heller, Kathrin Passig
Paper Presentations
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
October 2012
24 October 2012 09:30 |
Christoph Engemann, Christian Heller, Kathrin Passig
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
23 October 2012 18:30 |
Beate Rössler (University of Amsterdam)
Public Lecture and panel discussion
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
18-19 October 2012 |
Werner Reimers Stiftung und Böckler Mare Stiftung |
12 October 2012 |
Anna Starzinski-Powitz
Goethe University Department of Life Sciences |
6 October 2012 |
Closed door meeting
September 2012
27-28 September 2012 |
Mamadou Diawara, Stefan Schmid
Goethe University, Center for interdisciplinary research on Africa (ZIAF) |
19-21 September 2012 |
Michael Waltenberger
Goethe University, Department for Modern Languages |
12 September 2012 |
Department of Management
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH |
12-14 September 2012 |
Thorsten Mundi
Coaching für KanzlerInnen
Zentrum für Wissenschaftsmanagement Speyer |
6-7 September 2012 |
Anna Rollin (Hertie-Foundation)
Selection Procedure
Hertie-Foundation |
August 2012
30-31 August 2012 |
Dr. Peter Vorstheim
Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH |
7 August 2012 |
Closed door meeting
Goethe University |
July 2012
13-14 July 2012 |
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Preparatory discussions
Goethe University, Department of History |
7 July 2012 |
Susanne Schröter
International Workshop
Cluster of Exellence »The Formation of Normative Orders« |
6-7 July 2012 |
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Goethe University, Department of History |
3-4 July 2012 |
Alex Leveringhaus, Juan Espindola, Jesse Tomalty
Research Group »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
June 2012
28 June 2012 |
Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz
Goethe University |
27 June 2012 11:30 |
Carol Bernstein (Bryn Mawr College)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
26 June 2012 09:30 |
Ulrike Kéré
25 June 2012 16:30 |
Allen Buchanan (Duke University)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
25 June 2012 |
Clemens Glaubitz
Goethe University, Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
22-23 June 2012 |
Martin Büchsel, Herbert Kessler, Rebecca Müller
Goethe University, Institute for the History of Art |
19-20 June 2012 |
Anna Rollin (Hertie-Foundation)
Selection Procedure
Hertie-Foundation |
18 June 2012 16:00 |
Catherine Lu (McGill University)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
12 June 2012 11:30 |
Amy Allen (Dartmouth College)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
5 June 2012 11:00 |
Dmitri Nikulin (New School for Social Research)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
1 June 2012 |
House of Finance, Goethe University |
May 2012
30 May 2012 |
Guido Friebel
Goethe University, Department of Economic Science |
25 May 2012 12:30 |
Bernd Willim
Goethe University |
24 May 2012 |
Stefan Gosepath
Research Group »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
4-5 May 2012 |
Klaus Günther
Goethe University, Institute for Criminology |
3 May 2012 |
Kerstin Schulmeyer-Ahl
Goethe University |
April 2012
27 April 2012 13:00 |
Erich Posselt, Peter Sumerauer
Forum Markentechnik GbR |
20 April 2012 |
Matthias Lutz-Bachmann
Goethe University |
19 April 2012 11:00 |
Stefan Gosepath
Research Group »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
18 April 2012 19:00 |
Ali-Ridha Chennoufi (Université de Tunis) rnKlaus Günther (Goethe University)
Public Lecture
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
17 April 2012 |
Goethe University |
March 2012
29-30 March 2012 |
Josef Pfeilschifter
Winter school
Goethe University, Department of Medical Science |
27 March 2012 |
Thomas Prisner
Goethe University, Department for Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy |
15-16 March 2012 |
Robert Tampé
Goethe University |
14 March 2012 19:00 |
Marc Furstenau (Ottawa)
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
2 March 2012 |
Ruth Haueisen, Bernadette Schwarz-Boenneke
Herbert Quandt-Foundation |
1 March 2012 |
Martin Schuhmann
Goethe University |
February 2012
26-27 February 2012 |
Meeting of the Advisory Baord
Leonardo Advisory Board |
10-11 February 2012 |
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Goethe University, Department of History |
9 February 2012 11:00 |
Robert Jubb
Research group rn»Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
9-10 February 2012 |
Rainer Schmalz-Bruns
Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) |
7 February 2012 11:45 |
Peter J. Verovšek
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
6 February 2012 |
Mareike Schmitt
Closed Door Meeting
Goethe University |
3-4 February 2012 |
Jan Pieter Krahnen
Goethe University, House of Finance |
1 February 2012 18:30 |
Rudi Balling (Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine)
Lecture and Discussion
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities rnElse Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation |
January 2012
24-27 January 2012 |
Christina Liesebach
Hertie Foundation |
20 January 2012 09:30 |
Stefan Gosepath, Axel Honneth, Christoph Menke
Research group »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
16 January 2012 19:00 |
Spiros Simitis, Constanze Kurz,Kathrin Passig, Hartmut Rosa
Panel discussion
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
11 January 2012 |
Heather Hofmeister
Closed Door Meeting
Goethe University |