December 2011
15 December 2011 15:00 |
Juan Espindola
»Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
13 December 2011 11:30 |
Thomas Crocker
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
13 December 2011 |
Kerstin Schulmeier-Ahl
Goethe University, Department of Education and Quality-Management |
6 December 2011 11:30 |
Morten Raffnsøe-Møller
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
2-3 December 2011 |
Susanne Schröter
Goethe University, Department of Ethnology |
November 2011
17-18 November 2011 |
Roland Spiller
Goethe University, Institut of Romanic Literature |
17 November 2011 |
Closed Door Meeting
Goethe University |
12 November 2011 |
Hertie Foundation |
8 November 2011 10:00 |
Holger Horz
Goethe University, Interdisciplinary Council of Collegiate Education |
4 November 2011 |
Ulrike Giesübel
Closed meeting
Frankfurt University, Depratement of Medicine |
October 2011
31 October 2011 18:00 |
Holly Crocker (University of South Carolina)
Dinner talk
Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
28-29 October 2011 |
Siegfried Blasche
Philosophische Gesellschaft Bad Homburg e.V. |
27 October 2011 |
Lord Raymond Plant (King’s College London)
Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
25 October 2011 11:30 |
Hillel Steiner
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
24 October 2011 |
Closed door conference
20 October 2011 14:00 |
Robert Fürst
Goethe-University Frankfurt |
11 October 2011 |
Closed door conference
Goethe University |
September 2011
30 September-February 10.2011 |
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Goethe University, Department of History |
29 September-February 10.2011 |
Günter Frankenberg
Cluster of Exellence »The Formation of Normative Orders« |
12-13 September 2011 |
Katharina Lezius (Hertie-Foundation)
Selection Procedure
Hertie-Foundation |
2 September 2011 09:00 |
Mareike Schmitt
Closed Door Meeting
Goethe-University |
August 2011
31 August 2011 |
Heike Zimmermann-Timm
Closed Door Meeting
GRADE - Goethe Graduate Academy, Goethe University |
25-27 August 2011 |
Walter Müller, Gunter Eckert
Goethe University, Pharmacological Institute of Natural Sciences |
24 August 2011 10:30 |
Herbert Beck
Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain |
19-21 August 2011 |
Harald Schwalbe
Goethe University, Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance |
15 August 2011 |
Iwan Barankay (University of Pennsylvania), rnGuido Friebel(Goethe-Universität)
Goethe University, Institute for Management and Microeconomics |
12 August 2011 |
Ivan Dikic
Goethe University, Institute for Biochemistry 2 |
July 2011
20 July 2011 09:00 |
Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz, Mario Wurglics
Goethe University, Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
19 July 2011 |
Amalia Barboza, Klaus Lichtblau, Vincenzo Mele
Goethe University |
15 July 2011 |
Kerstin Schulmeyer-Ahl
Goethe University, Stabstelle für Lehre und Qualitätssicherung |
12 July 2011 11:45 |
Nicole Hassoun, Darrel Moellendorf
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
4-5 July 2011 |
Barbara Buckinx, Jonathan Trejo-Mathys, Timothy Waligore
Research group »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
2 July 2011 |
Christof Eichert
Herbert Quandt-Stiftung |
1-2 July 2011 |
Stefan Kadelbach
Goethe University, Institute for Public Law |
June 2011
25 June 2011 |
Guido Friebel
Goethe University, Institute for Management and Microeconomics |
20 June 2011 08:30 |
Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz (Vice president Goethe University)
Goethe University, Department for Human Resource Development |
17-18 June 2011 |
Goethe University, Department of History |
16-18 June 2011 |
Peter Collin
Cluster of excellence »The formation of normative orders« |
7 June 2011 |
Rainer Forst
Cluster of Excellence »The formation of normative orders« rnMax Planck Institute for European Legal History |
2-4 June 2011 |
Mamadou Diawara,rnUte Röschenthaler
Goethe University, Institute for Ethnology |
May 2011
26 May 2011 |
Kerstin Schulmeyer-Ahl
Goethe University, Stabstelle für Lehre und Qualitätssicherung |
18 May 2011 14:00 |
Ayelet Banai (Goethe University)
Research group »Justitia Amplificata: Rethinking Justice - Applied and Global« |
16 May 2011 11:30 |
Barbara Buckinx
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
13 May 2011 |
Clemens Glaubitz, Daniel Huster
Goethe University, Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
11 May 2011 19:30 |
Thomas Wendt
Public Lecture
Diskussionskreis Taunus e.V. |
6-7 May 2011 |
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Introduction scholarship holders
Goethe University, Department of History |
5 May 2011 11:00 |
Owen Fiss (Yale University)
Public seminar
Event series »Reconfiguring American Politics« (II) |
4 May 2011 18:00 |
Owen Fiss (Yale University)
Public Lecture
Event series »Reconfiguring American Politics« (II) |
April 2011
28 April 2011 11:30 |
William Talbott (University of Washington)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
14 April 2011 11:30 |
Flavia Püschel (Getulio Vargas Foundation, São Paulo)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
13 April 2011 19:00 |
Scott Hendrix (Princeton Theological Seminary)
Public Lecture
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
9-10 April 2011 |
Frank Ausbüttel,rnGregor Maier
Hochtaunuskreis (Department of Culture and Arts) |
7-8 April 2011 |
Matthias Bergmann, Thomas Jahn
Insitute for Social-Ecological Research ISOE |
March 2011
31 March 2011 10:00 |
Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Susanne Opfermann
Closed Meeting
Goethe University |
31 March-February 04.2011 |
Rainer Forst (Institute of Political Science, Goethe University)
EU Project RECONrn(Reconstituting Democracy in Europe) |
17 March 2011 18:30 |
Lutz Raettig
WIPOG (Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft) rnWerner Reimers Foundation |
17 March 2011 11:00 |
Scott Hendrix (Princeton Theological Seminary)
paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
3 March 2011 |
University Hospital of Goethe University |
February 2011
28 February 2011 10:30 |
Thomas Schmeller
Closed Door Conference
Goethe University |
27-28 February 2011 |
Meeting of the Advisory Baord
Leonardo Advisory Board |
24 February 2011 |
Werner Müller-Esterl (President of Goethe University) rnManfred Schubert-Zsilavecz (Vicepresident of Goethe University)
Goethe University, Frankfurt |
23 February 2011 |
Rolf van Dick
Closed Door Conference
Goethe University, Institute for Psychology |
11 February 2011 10:00 |
Aleida Assmann (Konstanz University)
Public seminar
Event series »Aufarbeitungen von Diktaturen« (VI) |
10 February 2011 19:00 |
Aleida Assmann (Konstanz University)
Public lecture
Event series »Aufarbeitungen von Diktaturen« (V) |
3 February 2011 11:30 |
Peter Balint (University of New South Wales, Canberra)
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
January 2011
27 January 2011 19:00 |
Klenke Quartet, Ursula Mamlok
Lecture recital
Event series »Aufarbeitungen von Diktaturen« (IV) |
27 January 2011 10:30 |
Ronald G. Asch, Luise Schorn-Schütte, Merio Scattola
Paper presentation
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities |
24 January 2011 09:30 |
Thomas Duve
Max Planck Institute for European Legal History |