Yudit Kornberg Greenberg

Professorin für Religionswissenschaft (Jewish Studies), Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida (USA)

Aufenthalt am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften:
Mai–Juli 2018

Forschungsthema am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften:
»Dharma and Halacha: Contemporary Jewish-Hindu Interreligious Encounters«

In this research project, I will examine a new modality in interreligious dialogue and comparative religion stemming from recent and ongoing encounters between Jewish and Hindu faith leaders and academics. A central theme in Hindu-Jewish encounters is that the teachings and practices of Hinduism and Judaism are grounded in and aim to preserve the history, land, and language of these two ethno-religious groups and traditions, unlike other traditions that are missionizing and therefore aim towards absorbing other cultures. The Sanskrit dharma (»uphold«, »support«, »nourish«) encompasses the religious and moral law which governs human conduct. Likewise, the Hebrew halacha, (»go« or »walk«) comprises the »way« a Jew is directed to behave in every aspect of life. Dharma and Halacha represent an important principle that link Judaism and Hinduism, namely, the primacy of performing religious actions such as purity regulations and conduct in every aspect of daily life. Jewish and Hindu orthopraxy does not diminish the significance of personal beliefs, philosophy, and theology; rather, these are shaped by, and follow the performative dimension and daily worship and practices in these traditions. This modality provides an alternative to the more dominant paradigm of comparative religion, which privileges certain categories of analysis such as belief, faith, and theology over others, such as rituals.
Furthermore, I will evaluate the recent interreligious encounters of Jewish and Hindu faith leaders that led to historical declarations by the Jewish representatives affirming that Hindus accept One Supreme Being, and denying that the physical representations of deities used in worship are idols. (Yudit Kornberg Greenberg)

Yudit Kornberg Greenberg folgt einer Einladung von Christian Wiese (Professor für Jüdische Religionsphilosophie an der Goethe-Universität und Goethe-Fellow am Forschungkolleg Humanwissenschaften) und dem an der Universität angesiedelten LOEWE-Schwerpunkt: »Religiöse Positionierung. Modalitäten und Konstellationen in jüdischen, christlichen und islamischen Kontexten«.

Wissenschaftliches Profil von Yudit Kornberg Greenberg

Yudit Kornberg Greenberg ist Gründungsdirektorin des Jewish Studies Program am Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. Ihre Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete umfassen modernes und zeitgenössisches jüdisches Denken, vergleichende Religion, Frauen und Religion sowie interkulturelle Sichtweisen von Liebe und Körper.

Weitere Informationen zu Yudit Kornberg Greenberg finden Sie hier.

Moderne und zeitgenössische jüdische Philosophie; vergleichende Religionswissenschaft; Frauen und Religion; Liebe und Körper im transkulturellen Vergleich

Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl):
  1. Better than Wine: Love, Poetry and Prayer in the Thought of Franz Rosenzweig, Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press 1996.
  2. (Hg.), Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions 2 Bde., Santa Barbara, Cal. : ABC-CLIO 2008.
  3. (mit Ze'ev Levi), From Spinoza to Levinas: Hermeneutical, Ethical, and Political Issues in Modern and Contemporary Jewish Philosophy, New York, NY: Peter Lang 2009.
  4. The Body in Religion: Cross-cultural Perspectives, London et al.: Bloomsbury 2018.

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