Bernhard Jakl

Adj. Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Münster and the Faculty of Philosophy of the LMU University of Munich

Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften:
»Autonomy-oriented foundation of norms as trust-building conflict management in the age of global digitalisation«

Project outline:
Current crises of trust in the democratic rule of law become visible by observing how law can handle the digital changes. Legal developments in the fields of data protection, competition law and freedom of speech suggest that the legal order for a internet without boarders can be achieved essentially by informalizing political power, thus threatening formalized self-rule by democratic legislation that is territorially bound.
In my research project, I focus on these changes of conflict handling and (un)trustworthy legal reactions. I will discuss normative chains of legal reasoning that still can ensure a conflict handling based on individual and collective autonomy. (Bernhard Jakl)

Research partner:
Bernhard Jakl follows the invitation of Beatrice Brunhöber, Professor of criminal law and criminal procedure, philosophy of law and comparative law at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and Goethe Fellow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, and of Klaus Günther, Professor of legal theory, criminal law and criminal procedure at Goethe University and distinguished fellow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften. His stay is supported by the research initiative »ConTrust: Vertrauen im Konflikt – Politisches Zusammenleben unter Bedingungen der Ungewissheit« at Goethe University.

Scholarly profile of Bernhard Jakl

PD PD Dr. Bernhard Jakl is Adj. Professor (Privatdozent) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Münster and the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies of the LMU University of Munich. He received his PhD from the LMU University of Munich in 2006, his habilitation in philosophy from the LMU University of Munich in 2012, and his habilitation in law from the University of Münster in 2017. He has taught at the Universities of Frankfurt am Main, Münster, Munich, Siegen and Saarland.

Main areas of research:
Civil law and European private law, Digitalization and law, medical law; philosophy and theory of law, sociology of law; practical philosophy, history of philosophy (esp. German philosophy: Kant, Fichte, Hegel).

Selected publications:
  1. »Jenseits des Datenschutzes – die 10. GWB-Novelle als informalisierter Neuansatz des Internet-und Datenwirtschaftsrechts«, in: Recht Digital 2 (2021), p. 71-78.
  2. »Das Recht der künstlichen Intelligenz. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zivilrechtlicher Regulierung«, in: MMR. Zeitschrift für IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung (2019), p. 711-715.
  3. Handlungshoheit. Die normative Struktur der bestehenden Dogmatik und ihrer Matrialisierung im deutschen und europäischen Schuldvertragsrecht, Mohr Siebeck 2019.
  4. »Autonomy, Pluralism and Public Deliberation«, in: Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, Bd. 1: Publicity and Public Sphere, De Gruyter 2016, p. 57-68.
  5. »Absoluter Grundrechtsschutz oder interaktive Grundrechte?«, in: Ludwig Siep/Thomas Gutmann/Michael Städtler/Bernhard Jakl (eds.): Von der religiösen zur säkularen Begründung staatlicher Normen. Zum Verhältnis von Religion und Politik in der Philosophie der Neuzeit und in rechtssystematischen Fragen der Gegenwart, Mohr Siebeck 2012, p. 239-267.
  6. Recht aus Freiheit. Die Gegenüberstellung der rechtstheoretischen Ansätze der Wertungsjurisprudenz und des Liberalismus mit der kritischen Rechtsphilosophie Kants, Duncker & Humblot 2009.

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