Charles Michael Shea

Postdoctoral Fellow

Aufenthalt am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften:
Juni 2014, Mai/Juni 2015

Forschungsthema am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften:
»Katholische Apologetik in einer revolutionären Epoche. Glaube, Vernunft und Autorität bei Giovanni Perrone S.J.«

This proposed line of research examines one of the most important Roman Catholic intellectuals in the nineteenth century and an influential interpreter of the Protestant Reformation. The Jesuit theologian Giovanni Perrone (1796‒1876) became chair of dogmatic theology at the Gregorian University (then the Collegio Romano) in 1824 and served in that capacity and as rector and prefect of studies for over half a century until his death in 1876. Perrone served on multiple curial commissions and was a key theological advisor for Gregory XVI and Pius IX, and was even a teacher to Leo XIII. He was lauded during his lifetime as the »Prince of Contemporary Theologians« (Chassay, 1854) and as »Examiner of Bishops« in Rome (Bonelli, 1876). The theologian’s trusted status, longevity, and substantial literary output helped to make him one of the most influential thinkers during a time of great transition for Roman Catholics. It was especially during this century of social and political revolutions that Catholics sought to articulate their identity and place vis-à-vis the world. Perrone had a direct or indirect role to play in nearly every major ecclesiastical event of the era. He was an architect of the 1854 definition of the immaculate conception of Mary and his students dominated the debates of the First Vatican Council. Theologians impacted by Perrone’s teaching included Heinrich Denzinger, Johannes Franzelin, Joseph Kleutgen, Henry Manning, Matthias Scheeben, William Ward, and even John Henry Newman. (Charles Michael Shea)

Charles Shea folgt der Einladung von Claus Arnold, Professor für katholische Theologie an der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, und dem DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1728 »Theologie als Wissenschaft«.

Wissenschaftliches Profil von Charles Michael Shea

Charles Michael Shea hat 2013 an der Saint Louis University mit einer Arbeit über »Newmans‘ Early Legacy. Giovanni Perrone and Roman Readings of the ›Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine 1845‒1854‹« promoviert. 2014-2016 ist er ein Posdoctoral Fellow an der Seton Hall University.

Theologie der Moderne und des Mittelalters

Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl):
  1. »Father Giovanni Perrone and Doctrinal Development in Rome: An Overlooked Legacy of Newman’s Essay on Development«, in: Journal for the History of Modern Theology / Zeitschrift für neure Theologiegeschichte Bd. 20,1 (2013), S. 85-116.
  2. (mit Kenneth Parker) »Johann Adam Möhler’s Influence on John Henry Newman’s Theory of Doctrinal Development: The Case for a Reappraisal«, in: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses Bd. 89,1 (2013), S. 73-95. Co-authored with Kenneth Parker.
  3. »The ›French Newman‹: Louis Bautain’s Philosophy of Faith, Reason, and Development and the Thought of John Henry Newman”, in: Newman Studies Journal Bd. 10,1 (2013), S. 28-40.

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