

rn Montag, 26.10.2009, 18:00 Uhr, Vortragsraum im Kolleggebäude
rn Öffentlicher Vortrag
rn Dmitri Nikulin (Fellow am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften und Professor für Philosophie, New School for Social Research, New York)
rn »The Comedy of Philosophy«rn


Einführung und Moderation: Rainer Forst, Professor für Politische Theorie und Philosophie an der Goethe-Universität und Mitglied des Direktoriums des Forschungskollegs Humanwissenschaften.


Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.


Anmeldung erbeten (Beate Sutterlüty, , Tel.: 06172-13977-15, Fax: 06172-13977-39)


Philosophers have written a number of important books on tragedy, and yet there are few significant works on comedy. This does not seem to be accidental, because modern subject is initially constructed as tragic, lonely and hence suffering in its self-defining activity, always facing its being toward death (»Sein zum Tode«). Comedy, on the contrary, is a profoundly dialogical and philosophical enterprise, insofar as it requires a well-ordered action that moves, by an effort of not just one isolated subject but a number of actors, through inevitable complication to a resolution of the conflict and a good ending. Comedy thus celebrates a mutually shared and enjoyed life, which in philosophy corresponds to establishing, through a debate, of a well-constructed argument.


see also by Dmitri Nikulin:


»The Comedy of Philosophy«, in: Engaging Agnes Heller. A Critical Companion, hg. von K. Terezakis, Lanham et al.: Lexington 2009, S. 167-192.

(FKH - 12.10.2009)
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